Photo 70 – UBB-HAA-274

A group of Fur villagers are writing down Koran verses on the traditional writing boards (Arabic and Fur: “loh”) in connection with preparing healing water for a sick person. The ink written verses are washed off from the board and the water is believed to have a healing effect.

Amballa, Western Darfur.

Photo: Gunnar Haaland, 1965


Photo 71 – UBB-HAA-275

Two Fur men are writing on their wooden boards (Arabic and Fur: “loh”) holy verses from the Koran. When they have filled the board with writings the ink (Fur: “dawai”, Arabic: “hibr”) is washed off and poured into the pots. The holy water is believed to a have a curing effect on sick people.

Amballa, Western Darfur.

Photo: Gunnar Haaland, 1965

Photo 71 - UBB-HAA-00275

Photo 72 – UBB-HAA-277

A Fur man is washing ink used to write Koranic verses off his writing board (Arabic and Fur: “loh”). The magic significance of the written Islamic text is exemplified in the belief that drinking this water has a healing effect.

Amballa, Western Darfur.

Photo: Gunnar Haaland, 1965

Photo 72 - UBB-HAA-00277